Go Gold — Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

A guest post from Alyssa's Mommy in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month:
"It’s a tradition that started about 15 years ago. When I would have to be separated from Alyssa, and then later both girls, I would paint our fingernails matching pale pink. This way, whenever we looked at our fingers, they could know that I am remembering them and they are remembering me.
This September is my 10th Childhood Cancer Awareness Month since childhood cancer entered my world. It’s hard to believe. Alyssa only got 10 years. The first year Alyssa was diagnosed, I don’t think I knew that September was Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I’m not sure when I learned that the color was gold.
By September 2012, I knew all about Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and the color gold. This time, Alyssa, Lexie and I all painted our nails gold... complete with little gold sequins. It’s a tradition I have continued. It’s actually even the same nail polish. I’m not sure how many more years I’m gonna be able to squeak out of those bottles....But I certainly won’t stop painting my nails gold.
I don’t need gold nails - just as I didn’t need pink ones - to remember my daughters. But occasionally, someone will remark about my nails and I have a moment to share about the sparkly firework who lit up my life and heart... and our hope to make a difference in her memory.
I don’t do this to save Alyssa. I do this to save other children... maybe yours... yet to be diagnosed with the most common cause of death by disease for our children in this nation.
Does it cost me to bring awareness?
But to know what I know and to NOT do something would cost me more.
So I paint my nails gold, I post facts on social media, I will decorate my car... I will try to nudge our world a little closer to finding research and finding cures. I will continue to donate time and money to charities I trust and hold dear.
I invite you to join me. Do something... do anything... to make a difference for these sweet, amazing children, like Alyssa, who deserved better than 35 year old treatments. Do it because September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
Do it for families like mine... who lost their innocence and ignorance about Childhood Cancer the hard way... and in memory of my...our....Alyssa.
Lynn Alyssa (and Lexie’s) Mommy still"